RAD Industries 2JZ Billet Torque Plate

Rad Industries
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This part is ideal for a machine shop or someone that is building multiple 2JZ's. If you would like to reassure your personal build is done properly, this is a great tool to bring to your machinist or builder as well.

When building an engine the machine shop will need to bore and hone the cylinder walls of the 2JZ engine block. A torque plate is essential during any boring or honing process. When you torque a head down on the block, the pressure from the bolts will cause the cylinder bore to slightly deform. A torque plate takes the place of the head during machining to simulate any distortion that will be caused when the head studs/bolts are tightened. Using a torque plate while boring and/or honing removes any bore irregularities and enables a true cylindrical shape, while allowing the machine operator access to the bores.

- Made out of 2.5" thick billet aluminum
- Compatible with OEM head bolts/ARP head studs as well as 1/2" head studs
- Up to 89mm bore